1.not straight, but leaning to one side
1.Nor did she all herself to hold her head at an angle, or to let it fall, or to lean her chin on her hand.
2.An officer bumps a fleeing car at an angle to spin it out of control, forcing it to stop.
3.Breast stoping proceeds horizontally, while rill stoping is at an angle to the face of the deposit with the ore falling downward.
4.The Sartorius, a muscle that run down the front of the thigh at an angle, further stabilizes the pose.
5.These dimers sit at an angle to the surface, with one atom protruding slightly farther than the other.
6.At Tempe's latitude the Sun rises at an angle, arcing southward as it climbs above the horizon.
7.a tree had been planted there , its branches slanting upward at an angle that would make anyone sitting on the rock feel uncomfortable.
8.A volume of mud is pumped into the wide upper section of the hydrocyclone at an angle roughly tangent to its circumference.
9.The steep rock seems to be growing at an angle.
10.The extension of a molding, projection, or other part at an angle (usually 90=) to the main part.